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Join date: Nov 27, 2020


Jo has been mentoring, coaching, running and writing about businesses for well over a decade. In particular she enjoys working with business owners who need help with their mindset as much as systemising their business to the extent that the business rests on the process, and the staff running the whole process more than the owner.

Which is why she came up with the products of Systemise to Maximise, practical help for the business owner to help free up their time to work on their business with the Business Freedom Framework.

As a total foodie, when she is not immersed in business she loves cooking, especially for friends and family, and will often try to simplify any of the published recipes she tries out, claiming most recipe creators complicate things far too much for the working Mum, who just needs wholesome, healthy, easy to prepare recipes that are tasty enough for all ages to enjoy.

Jo Seawright

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